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Data Recovery

We’re data recovery experts.


Data loss is an issue that affects nearly everyone with a digital device. In many cases, the data can be recovered by retrieving a copy from a backup. Other times, however, more advanced data recovery tools are needed. Thats why its important to understand the different types of data recovery and what to look out for. At its core, data recovery simply refers to the process of restoring data that has been lost, corrupted, or damaged. While there are several different approaches, the most common methods are file recovery, disk recovery, and system recovery. File recovery is a process that involves locating and restoring files that have been deleted from the computers hard drive. It is also referred to asundelete because the files are essentially being undeleted from the computers memory. File recovery can be performed manually or through specialized software. Disk recovery is a more complex process, requiring specialized hardware and software tools. It involves scanning the disk for any readable data and then reverse engineering the data to restore as much of it as possible. Disk recovery is useful for cases where the original files have become corrupted or damaged, such as in the case of system crashes or physical damage.




We understand that data is Mission Critical - We have Performed Thousands of successful Data Recovery in house and Partner with a world class clean room for hardware Recovery 


Accidentally drive over your laptop?Data Recovery Attempt - $250-$450 Total ($119) Attempt Fee


We can get your data for you!
We recovered all of the data from this Mac’s hard drive after the Mac was run over by a car!



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